

VedaJunction empowers you to create Individualized Learning plans in which you can determine the best Place and Time for the students to study, the best amount of time for each learning resource (Pace), and with personally customized curriculum and lessons (Path) that you have decided work best for your student(s).

VedaJunction is designed to support you to manage your multiple student’s activities and to reuse your designed course resources and individualized & personalized learning plans for other students.

VedaJunction Marketplace allows you to Purchase course resources from VedaJunction approved vendors whose resources have been tested for compatibility with VedaJunction's advanced technologies. You can also Share course resources that you had created, with members of the VedaJunction community. All VedaJunction resources (Curriculum Maps, Lessons, Learning Plans, and Resources) are stored in a secure, encrypted form.

  • Helps you to design your own complete Curriculum with multiple Units and Lesson Plans.
  • Individual Learning Plans help you not only to provide insight and information, but also to create scenarios and situations where an answer may not exist, and prompt students to seek answers independently.
  • With online access to Learning Resources, you can easily manage and track lesson learning and evaluation material based on their Curriculum Map.
  • Using VedaJunction analytical tools, you can focus on how students develop and enhance their skills in verbal and written communication and problem-solving.
  • The VedaJunction facilitator network community supports you in sharing your work with other members of the community and finding the best commercial resources for using learning content.
  • VedaJunction is designed to support you to reuse their created learning resources and learning plans for other students.
  • Provides in-depth and ongoing analysis of individual student performance, including recommendations for optimizing student achievement.

Join us today.

  • Provide the best learning environment for your students.
  • Manage all your course resources for your students at any Place and at any Time.
  • Analyze your student statistics for all learning outcomes.
  • Make use of our patented intelligent system tutors for automate learning plans for your students.
  • Reuse your course resources and learning plans for other students
  • Help others by sharing your course resources.